

新闻动态 2025-01-30 gusd68687

优博洛人才咨询(UPRO Consulting)源自香港企管人才资源顾问有限公司(Hong Kong Executive Search),汇聚海内外专业团队,致力于为企业和个人发展提供全方位的人才咨询服务。我们的核心业务涵盖全球人才招聘、组织发展、个人与团队教练、人才发展及一站式出海咨询,帮助客户实施全球战略,把握产业升级和全球变革中的每一次机会。UPRO Consulting, rooted in Hong Kong Executive Search, unites a team of local and international professionals to offer holistic, one-stop talent consulting services for corporate and personal development. Our core offerings include global recruitment, organizational development, personal & team coaching, talent development, and overseas consulting, empowering them to implement global strategies and capitalize on opportunities for new industrialization and transformation.

我们秉持着平等、同理心、赋能的核心价值观,倡导以同理心文化驱动变革,使理解和共情成为我们互动的动力。优博洛与你携手并肩,致力于赋能你实现全部潜力。我们努力构建一个人人都受到尊重、获得支持并能够蓬勃发展的世界。Upholding the core values of Equality, Empathy, and Empowerment, we aim to create a transformative impact by fostering a culture of empathy, where understanding and compassion drive our interactions. Through partnering with individuals, UPRO aims to empower talents to realize their full potential. We strive to build a world where every individual is respected, supported, and empowered to thrive.



凭借35年的人才服务经验,我们已为超过1000家海内外企业提供了切实可行的人才解决方案,陪伴企业和个人应对在全球化和跨文化环境中的诸多挑战。With 35 years of talent experience, we have provided practical talent solutions to over 1,000 domestic and international companies, supporting corporates and individuals in navigating globalized and cross-cultural challenges.

20年以上行业经验的资深顾问及国际认证的专业教练团队为企业及个人发展提供一站式的人才咨询服务。Our seasoned consultants, each with over 20 years of industry experience, along with a team of internationally certified professional coaches, offer holistic, one-stop talent consulting services for corporate and personal development.

30万精英人才库,覆盖全球各行业顶尖人才,为企业的发展提供更多可能。With a talent pool of 300,000 top professionals spanning various industries worldwide, we offer enterprises enhanced opportunities for growth and innovation.

国际招聘联盟NPAworldwide、多个国际商会和贸易委员会的活跃成员,为企业和个人带来更多资源和机会。As an active member of NPAworldwide, an international recruitment network, and numerous international chambers of commerce and trade committees, we bring extensive resources and opportunities to both businesses and individuals.

具备支持企业和个人发展的系统。We provide a unified support system for corporate and personal development.


The End
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